Do Life

Is not living in your life's purpose is holding you back?

Life Coach Layla Season 1 Episode 6

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In this episode of the Do Life podcast, host Layla Evans discusses the concept of finding one's life purpose. She emphasizes that purpose is a personal journey that cannot be dictated by others and can change over time. Layla introduces seven archetypes that can help individuals identify their passions and purposes. She encourages listeners to engage in self-discovery and reflection to uncover what truly brings them joy and fulfillment. The episode concludes with actionable steps for listeners to take in their journey towards understanding their purpose.


  • Finding your life purpose is a personal journey.
  • Your purpose can change as you evolve.
  • It's important to identify what you would sacrifice for.
  • Not all purposes are profitable or monetizable.
  • You can have multiple purposes in life.
  • Self-discovery is key to understanding your purpose.
  • Engaging with your passions can lead to fulfillment.
  • Helping others can provide a sense of purpose.
  • Meditation can aid in self-reflection and discovery.
  • Living in alignment with your purpose leads to a more fluid life.


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Introduction to Life Purpose


Understanding the Nature of Purpose


Exploring the Seven Archetypes


Finding Your Purpose Through Self-Reflection


Practical Steps to Discover Your Purpose


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Hi friends, welcome to the Do Life podcast. I'm your host, Life Coach Layla, and today we're going to be talking about finding your life purpose. I am a Certified Life and Business Coach, specializing in finding your purpose, adjusting your mindset, and forgiveness. We'll get into that in another episode. So if you're here to learn about your purpose, congratulations. This is a very privileged problem to have. And I don't say that to be condescending or any kind of negative connotation to that. I say that because if you're thinking about what your purpose is, what you're meant to do on this earth, and that means that all of your other needs are met, you're not struggling to pay your bills, you're not wondering where your next meal is coming from, and you're ready to give back to the world from a place of abundance. Again, this is a good thing. I don't mean any kind of negative when I say congratulations for having this problem. So if you're thinking, great, you can tell me what my purpose is. That's not how this works. In fact, nobody can tell you what your purpose is. So if anybody tries to, they're wrong 100 % automatically. Well, unless you're talking to some sort of like magic mind reader, guru, someone connected anyway, on 99 % of the time, if somebody tries to tell you what your purpose is, it's wrong. Only you can figure out what your purpose is. So the first thing your purpose isn't is something somebody else can tell you. We just established that. The second thing it isn't is permanent. So I know there are so many people that spend so much time trying to figure out their purpose. They need to know their life's purpose. What am I doing with my life? What am I supposed to be here for? Well, I want you to know that purposes change. Those things change as you change, as your life changes, as your needs change. I don't want you to spend too much time trying to figure out what your purpose is because it might change on you. And one of the things you can think about is a parent. what is something that you would sacrifice for? What is something you would sacrifice your time, yourself, or a lot of parents, it's their children. you know, sacrifice my time and myself to raise my children and to make sure that they grew up to be decent humans and had a happy life. your spouse might sacrifice his time and his happiness to make sure that, the children's needs are met or that he is providing for the family. So there's a lot of different ways that we sacrifice things. And that's a good way to find your purpose is what would you willingly sacrifice for? So my purpose at the time, was to be the best mother and provider that I could be. And that's, I don't want to say that's not what it is now, because I'm always going to be a mom, and my purpose on this planet is to be a mom. But it's not my only purpose. You can have multiple purposes, and that purpose can change. So again, don't be so self -consumed with what your purpose is and finding your purpose. Just be happy, in a nutshell, if that makes sense. With that being said, keep in mind that your purpose may not be profitable. Like it's not always going to be something you can monetize off of. And that was something I was very mistaken from. years ago, somebody told me to remember what made me happy as a child. And I thought I used to eat dirt. How am I supposed to monetize off of that? And it's just, you don't, it's not something that you will monetize off of 90 % of the time. I don't want to say 90 % of the time. most of the time. A good percentage of the time, it's not going to be profitable, but it is going to make you happy. easy way to find your purpose, almost like a cheat sheet, is the seven archetypes. And there's a couple other ways. You can look at your birth chart. You can look at the human design. You can look at your gene keys. Those are all really good ways to learn about your personality traits and your astrological design and get some clues on what your purpose is or what you would be happier doing based on your planetary alignments at birth. They give you a lot of information based on your biological and astrological markers, so I don't want to rule them out, but we're not going to get into the depths of them because this could be like a four hour, 40 hour long podcast. So we're not going to do all that today. We're just going to cover the seven major archetypes and that should give you a good basis to kind of see what brings you joy and what sparks interest in you and what you resonate with. So let's get into that. Number one is the goldsmith, the trader, the calculator, the banker, someone who loves problem solving, numbers, digital trade, your stockbrokers, things like that. if you're drawn to those things, you love your calculations, you love your problem solving, you love your numbers, you love your stock markets, your trades, all of those things that just excite you and you feel it to your core that that's what you enjoy doing. Be careful not to get too corrupt by those. The Goldsmith is really, really hard to stay on an enlightened path, on a higher path, on a purposeful path. so many people in the finance industry are just out to make a dollar for themselves. And I don't mean to discredit people in the finance. I'm from the finance industry. I have really good friends that are in the finance industry. The reason they're good friends is because they weren't shady humans and they did good things and they really genuinely care about their clients and wanted to help them. So I don't speak for all people, but I do know that I've also worked with people that were very shady and didn't really seem to care about their clients and only cared about their own pockets. as a goldsmith, it's a very genuine place to be if you stay in a genuine mindset. If you go down the wrong ways, it's a very slippery slope. again, no judgment for anybody here. I just want to give that advice. So if you're a goldsmith, be good about it. And then number two, the sage, the teacher, the student, someone who's obsessed with knowledge and learning and wants to absorb as much information as we can. I personally am a sage and I'll get into how I figured that out later, but just someone who's obsessed with learning things and teaching people. Hence why I have this podcast and why we're here right now is because I like to know all the things and then I get genuinely excited to share that information with other people. And that's kind of, I guess I'll get into it now. That's how I figured out, what my purpose was is just trying to figure it out for the longest time. And I wish I wouldn't have spent as much time trying to figure it out as I did. And that's why one of the very first things that I said was not to do that because I felt like I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what my purpose was instead of just living in the moment and being happy because my purpose has changed multiple times and it's multiple things. I do a lot of things. I'm a podcast host. I guess that technically makes me a content creator. I'm an entrepreneur. I've made courses. So I'm a course creator. I am a teacher. I am a student. I'm a mother. I'm a spouse. I'm a friend, aunt. A mermaid, voice actress, what other hats do I have? Did I say life and business coach? Because that's kind of important. I probably should have said that. I probably should have started with that. What else is on my agenda? I'm a travel agent and you know, there's just there's so many things that I do and all of these things are somewhat in service to other people. So that's where I get my joy from is helping other people. So I genuinely get excited when I learn things and I get to share that information with other people. I genuinely get excited when I get to help other people. There's actually a scientific study that shows brain scans show the same and produce the same chemicals when you're helping someone else as they do when you're getting intimate or is the same as sex and drugs. So. you know, like all of the things that you can get addicted to, you can get addicted to helping people, which is an amazing problem to have, kind of, somewhat, maybe, depending on your situation. But either way, I'd take that over the other two any day. I digress. Number three is the knight. The protector, the soldier, the warrior, the person who is very passionate about their values, their likes, wants, needs, people. the person who, I mean, I know there's a lot of us who would fight to the death for, our children or our spouse or our friends or whoever. I mean, I'm guilty of... that a few times. Anyway, we've grown and healed from that. We're not going to get into that. I don't choose that life anymore. What I mean to say is that people who will fight for what they believe in, those warriors, basically, anyone who wants to, who will fight to protect their values and their peoples and the things that they love. And in a nutshell, that is your Knight And Number four, the servant, the king, and not in a tyrannical manner, but more so as a leader, someone who genuinely cares about the people that he's leading and he's in charge of and taking care of a lot of your providers, your men's of the family or the women of the family that are, not your bosses, not the ones who run around and tell you what to do, but the leaders, the one who say, how can I help you do your job? Here, let me show you how to do that. Those are true leaders. Those are true kings. Those are people that you trust, that you can follow, that you feel are good mentors, I've had several jobs that I've declined because I didn't feel like the person who would have been in charge of me, not in charge of me, but like overseeing me was someone that I could follow. I didn't feel like they were a leader. I didn't feel like they were more adapt to make the decisions that were going to be required of me in that position. So I've turned down positions because the person above me wasn't someone I felt I valued their opinion or I felt could be a good leader. And, that that's happened and not just job incidences, but like same thing as like coaches or like personal coaches. mentors. If I don't feel like I can learn from you, I'm not going to waste my time. And I get I could learn from just about anybody, but Some people are natural born leaders. love to lead. They love to be in charge and not again, not from a egotistical way, but just in a helpful servant. So when I say king and leader, I mean servant. If you can picture that as one cohesive unit, that's what number four is. Number five is the artist, someone who enjoys the beauty of everything, someone who's very visual or in tune to not necessarily visual, but just in tune to their senses, someone who feels to the depths of their core, the beauty and the art and the understanding in the chaotic nature of it. Someone very creative, very imaginative, very artistic could be so many different things. So I'm not going to sit here and try to label it, but whatever that definition is to you, however you interpret artistic to be is what it is. There's no reason to argue about it. So that's number five. Number six is the builder. And that doesn't just mean architectural buildings. That could be anybody building web pages or app design, graphic designs, apps, all of the things. Anything that you're building, building a course, building a curriculum, building anything that you're creating is technically you being a builder. That could be an architect or someone along those lines. In the digital age, there's so many other things that you can build that doesn't necessarily have to be a physical building. it doesn't have to be a structural design. And that brings us to number seven, the healer. Now when we talk about healing, it needs to be mind, body, and soul. If all three aren't healed, there will continue to be dis -ease. If you break down the word disease, it's your body's at dis -ease. If there's inflammation, if there's discomfort, it's a dis -ease in your body. and a lot of Western medicine wants to heal your brain and your body and not so much your soul, which is where the majority of our ailments come from. So if your brain and your body are in disease, it's probably because your soul is unregulated and you need to feed that before everything else can. And I'm not, I don't know why I'm going on a whole tangent about this. This is very metaphysical and not anything to do with finding your purpose, but Basically, if you're having a hard time getting your mind, body, and soul healed, it's going to be harder for you to figure out what your purpose is because you're going to be focused on healing, which you should be. When I started this, said, in order to be here and trying to figure out what your purpose is in the first place, it's because every other needs have been met. So if you're healing or dysregulated then your needs aren't being met. are your physical needs. that's just something. Anyway, so number seven is a healer. Someone who loves to heal and make people well, However, that looks like to them. And so some of you are sitting here thinking, okay, so you just gave me, the seven basic archetypes. Well, I resonate with like half of those. So that doesn't help me figure out my purpose If anything, you just confuse me even more. And I want to say that as we talked about your purpose being an ongoing thing, I have all of the hats. I have 97 different purposes. I mean, not really, but you get the point. It's okay if you resonate with some more of those. You know, if you resonate with, say, a sage and healer you want to learn you want to teach you want to know when you want to heal you can incorporate that into your practice you could put on lectures and content creation about how to heal you can teach other people as you learn and grow and evolve as a healer you can teach other people that information to which is kind of what i do in a nutshell you know as i feel me. mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I want to give that information to as many people as I can. So I'm healing me, I'm healing other people, and I'm giving that information out for free. So it's okay if you have multiple purposes. It's okay if you resonate with multiple archetypes. That's great. There's nothing wrong with that, and I get it can be a little confusing. But once again, you don't have to monetize off of this. If this is just something you can figure out that makes you happy, then you're living in purpose and you're going to be so much better off for it. So I mentioned earlier that somebody asked me what it was I like to do as a child, and then that would help me find my purpose. And while that was not very helpful, it could be helpful to somebody else. There's some other helpful questions that I think exist that might help you kind of pinpoint what makes you happy and what your purpose is. And that, again, besides what did you like to do as a child, it's what do you get excited about now? What makes you happy? What is something you're good at? What brings you joy? I guess that's the same thing as being happy. Either way, is there something you consider yourself an expert in? Is there something, is there a problem that you solve for other people or for yourself? Is there something that you've lived through that you're like, man, I'm an expert in this right now. I can help so many people with that. There should be a light bulb. everybody's life story is different. you've gone through things in your life that nobody else has gone through. Is there something that other people can learn from your experiences? Can you turn that into a positive? What are some things that may have happened to you in the past that you can talk about and help other people? If you can take that experience and share with the world to maybe either save them the turmoil or the problems or the issues that you had or help them come up with resolutions or solutions or easy coping mechanisms, know, whatever that might look like to you. It's an idea. It's something. which is a better question is who can you serve? Who can you help? How can you serve? How can you help? But it's like I mentioned earlier about how it gives off the same chemicals when you have sex or do crazy drugs as when you help people. Which is also another reason why when you're not living in your purpose, you're probably seeking out some other... pleasure -seeking activities. You're doom -scrolling because it gives you a slight little bit of dopamine every once in a while, which... Sad because then the more you do that the more you have to do that to get the dopamine. It's just like anything else It's a constant downhill battle When you're when you're in dysregulation of your purpose your life is going to be a little more dysregulated and you're going to be searching for things that you're not real sure what you're even looking for and The next thing you know you're looking back at like what have I been doing? How did I waste all this time? It's kind of like the idea of a toothbrush is a great tool to use to brush your teeth. You brush your teeth, it's nice and smooth and fluid. does what it needs to. Everything works great. You don't have any problems. Now, if you take the toothbrush and you're trying to paint your nails with it or you're trying to wash your whole car with it or you're to scrub your, you're trying to water your flowers with it. Obviously it's not going to work. There's going to be some sort of frustration, discomfort. There's something's wrong. And that's kind of what the purpose, our purpose looks like. we're all born with a purpose or multiple purposes. And when you're not living life in harmony with that purpose, you're going to feel that dysregulation, that frustration, because you're not, you're not in harmony with it. Same thing as like brushing your teeth. with a toothbrush feels nice and easy. When you're living in your purpose, it feels nice and easy. You don't have as much depression or anxiety because you're not worried about the future as much. You're focused on the past because you're happy and harmonious. And again, when you're living in your purpose, life is a little more fluid. It flows. now there's some of you sitting here still watching this thing, okay, that's great. None of that was helpful. I'm not good at anything. I don't know what I like. I don't know this or this or that. And my answer to that is more questions. Like, how well do you know yourself? When was the last time you had a coffee date with just you? we'll sit and make plans with friends to go have a coffee date and sit there and talk to them for two hours and get to know them and catch up on their lives. When was the last time you sat with just yourself and got to know you? Was the last time you sat in silence with coffee or tea or water or whatever and you just thought, How was your day? How was your life? What do we like? What do we not like? again, I'm a certified six -phase meditation facilitator, so my brain automatically is gonna go towards meditation, and you're gonna hear me talk about it more often than not. And before you, fast -forward through this segment or whatever, I just want you to know that the definition of meditation is to observe one's thoughts. So it's not sit in silence and om and be a monk. Those are, that's how the monks meditate. That's not how real people, I don't want to say they're not real people. That's not how norm, I don't want to say they're not normal people. That's not how we meditate. I'm not a monk. I can say that without being disrespectful or uninclusive in any way, shape or form. Anyway, if you just sit in silence and you observe your thoughts and you just think, I'm not going to think any thoughts. I'm just going to focus on my breathing. And then as you're focusing on your breathing, a thought comes in and you're like, there's a thought. You acknowledge it, you observe it, and you send it off. And the more this happens, the better at it you'll get. So the meditation is really just to observe your thoughts. You're just seeing what comes in and acknowledging it. You're not judging it. It's not coming from any kind of negative place or judgment. You're not like, my god, I can't believe I thought of that. I'm supposed to be focusing on my breath. No. We acknowledge it and we send it on its way. And then when we're done, say if we're just doing this for five minutes at a time, because anything more than that when you're just starting out, you're just going to get frustrated and aggravated and that's unnecessary and the opposite of what we should be doing. So you just sit for five minutes and you just observe the thoughts that are coming in. And afterwards, maybe journal on it. Maybe write them down. Like, what did you think about? Why were those thoughts so prominent in your head that they interrupted your five minutes of alone time? And kind of dissect that. are these really important to you? Are these, why did these come? Is it just something that you're hyper fixated on? Like, what's the point of it? And again, you know, don't dwell over it. Don't beat yourself up over it, but just observe it and acknowledge like, okay, here's the thoughts that I had. Why did I have them? Where did they come from? and get to know yourself. Five minutes a day, you have five minutes. If you're sitting on the toilet, you can sit there for five minutes in silence and get to know yourself. Not that kind of way. Anyway, you know what I mean. You just observe your thoughts. You get to know yourself. And if you feel like you've got an hour and you want to sit and, know, who am I? What do I like? What do I not like? Where have I been? What have I done? What do I want to do? maybe part of the reason you don't know what your purpose is or what you're good at is because you haven't had enough experiences. You haven't had enough things to do. If you just wake up, go to work, come home, take care of the kids, go to bed, you're living your life in a cycle. There's got to be some sort of break in that monotony. If you can give yourself five minutes a night to read 10 pages in a book, where's your inspiration come from? If you have a moment of free time, are you just doom scrolling? What are you doing with your life to get creative, to inspire you? If you're struggling with what makes you happy and what you like to do, you need to figure that out first and foremost, not for the sake of finding your purpose, but just for the sake of being a happy, healthy human. You need to know what you find pleasure in, and doom scrolling shouldn't be it. Again, if that's it, that's your end all, be all, that's all you have. I'm not taking that away from you. I'm not telling you that's bad or wrong, but I just think that there's something better. that you're not acknowledging. And if there's not, then that's fine. It is what it is. And if you're super happy that's what you want to do, then by all means do that. But yeah, if you could just, find inspiration somewhere. Go for a walk, go sit in nature, listen to the birds chirp, read a book, hear a story, talk to a random... I'm sorry for all the old people watching this, if you're watching this, but like old people love to talk. They have so many life stories and their family and grandkids are tired of hearing the same stories over and over and most of them don't get to meet people as often as they used to. So, Sit down next to an older person on a park bench and let them talk. Ask them a question about their life, their background. you never know where you're going to find inspiration or a story that might trigger that light bulb in your brain that just goes off and you're like, my God, this is it. This is amazing. This is what I've been looking for. And again, don't spend all your time looking for it. It should just be natural. It should feel like it's in flow and just come to you naturally. So let's recap. the first thing we did was talk about what your purpose is and isn't. We talked about your archetypes and some other tools that you can use to kind of narrow down personality traits, things that typically would make you happy or be on the right path to finding your purpose. We talked about some helpful questions to ask yourself to kind of narrow it down a little bit. We about some other places to look to find it, especially inward, how to look inward and spend some time with yourself and get to know yourself if you're really struggling with finding your purpose. So that's really all I have for you in a nutshell for today. Again, thank you for watching. If you'd like to go deeper, please go to my website, sign up for my newsletter, like, comment, share, let me know what you liked about this, what you resonate with, what... you'd like to hear future episodes on or if you want to work one on one with me, there's also options on my website. So I will link them down below. And I just want to say thank you again for being here. I hope you have a great day. Let's go do life. Thanks.